Welcome to MARY & ANDREWS

MARY & ANDREWS is your friendly local provider in municipal utilities, themed attractions, television programming, internet services, and public transportation. Founded in 1985 by a team of philanthropists, humanitarians, and special interest groups, MARY & ANDREWS has been hard at work for 30 years to provide small towns with much needed services, operating solely on public donations, not-for-profit, and free of government intervention.

With a keen interest in observing and guaranteeing the development of youth, MARY & ANDREWS specializes in offering wholesome educational entertainment and providing safe, exciting local amusement and entertainment attractions. Local MARY & ANDREWS "Town Monitors" are tasked with vigilant oversight of designated towns, ensuring a beneficial impact on the communities that have placed their trust in MARY & ANDREWS. Through careful monitoring and subtle guidance, MARY & ANDREWS aims to create a brighter future for everyone, but especially for the children.

The "Guardian Angel" program, wherein MARY & ANDREWS pledges support and financial aid to small towns, and secures seats in local government in order to best provide such aid, has helped hundreds of communities across the country. Towns contracted into the Guardian Angel program have seen upwards of doubled rates of economic growth in only five years, as well as, on average, a reduction in over half the amount of unemployed citizens and children. If you want better for your town, give MARY & ANDREWS a call, and a Town Monitor will be happy to be your Guardian Angel!

DISCLAIMER: All figures are only approximate, and are based on the sum total of data collected over 30 years. Claims of safety are built on public trust, and no certified assessments or inspections have been conducted to authenticate such claims.

If you feel nausea or motion sickness while browsing this website, do not report this to your physician. If issues persist for more than 48 hours, contact a MARY & ANDREWS Town Monitor immediately.

User data gathered on this website will not be sold to third party companies.